

When it comes to enriching the lives of our best friends, playfulness is key! We've transformed every interaction your dog has with Companion into a game that incorporates positive reinforcement techniques. Companion keenly observes your dog's every move and strategically sends treats flying to encourage desired behaviors, while providing them the opportunity to pounce, forage, catch, and chase those treats just like they and their ancestors were designed to do. (Check out all the different types of enrichment your dog is designed for here)
But wait, we're not simply bystanders crossing our fingers for canine stardom to materialize miraculously. At Companion, we are strategic game designers for canines! We create clever games that boost the chances of your dog showcasing a particular behavior or exhibiting one of those natural actions that are enriching for them, giving us the perfect opportunity to reward them with our state-of-the-art treat launcher (check it out here, it's pretty awesome). Once a behavior gets reinforced, your furry companion is more likely to repeat it, turning it into a habit that they'll gladly perform for a tasty reward. And here's the best part: for those behaviors that are traditionally considered “commands,” we even give each behavior a name, like "Sit," so your dog knows exactly what to do when it's game time.
Now, let's talk about these games. Companion has options for dogs of all levels, from newbies to experts. We've carefully crafted games with varying levels of difficulty, striking that perfect balance between success and challenge. To find out more about how we decide to ramp up the difficulty for your dog as they play with Companion, check out our "Push Drop Stick" method on our positive reinforcement page.
How do we create these games? Well, we kick off the process by brainstorming exciting new game ideas, defining the game's goal and the tools we'll need. Then we break it down into logical steps, like "if this, then that," and meet with the Companion engineering team to share with them our vision. They work their coding magic and unleash a test version of the game on our own Companions, which our own dogs get to try out! We go back and forth, tweaking and refining until the game performs flawlessly from both an engineering and behavioral perspective. Only then do we unleash it on a wider population of dogs for further testing. It's a journey, but we're willing to go the extra mile to ensure your pup's tail never stops wagging!
Okay, enough about the behind-the-scenes wizardry. Let's dive into the games themselves! Below is a glimpse into the world of Companion games and the logic within them.
These are just a few of the games that Companion has in store for your dog. Whether they're a seasoned obedience champ, a brand new puppy, or a wise old family dog, any food-loving canine will love Companion and the variety of games they can play.